When to Replace versus Repair a Toilet
A toilet consists of a tank with a flush mechanism and a bowl, so these are the first places to check when a toilet starts having problems.
A toilet is a vital appliance in any home; just like anything else, it eventually experiences issues. A faulty toilet must be replaced promptly, as other issues can quickly arise, such as the toilet becoming clogged and overflowing, rendering it useless. A broken toilet must be diagnosed correctly to know whether it needs a replacement or replacement. If a toilet begins having problems, the following steps help identify the problem and the best action.
Identify the cause of the problem
A toilet consists of a tank with a flush mechanism and a bowl, so these are the first places to check when a toilet starts having problems. A crack or condensation in the tank and a worn bolt washer could cause water to leak on the floor. Smelly wastewater around the base of the bowl may be caused by a crack in the bowl apart from blocked pipes. Incomplete flushes can be caused by the accumulation of mineral deposits in the inlet holes, causing partial or complete blockage of water passages, which can be expected in older toilets. The tank's components, like the fill valve and the float, can wear out over time and, if not adjusted or repaired, can cause unusual hissing and trickling sounds inside the tank.
When to repair
Knowing the cause of the problem helps identify if repairing or replacing the toilet is necessary. Some problems can be quickly fixed, either independently or by a professional. For instance, a running toilet is usually caused by an open flush valve that is easy and cheap to repair. A leaking toilet tank could result from a loose feed line or tank bolts, which are also easily repairable. A clogged toilet or a toilet tank that fills too slowly can often be solved by removing obstructions or replacing the fill line. Sometimes, toilets are easily fixed with an online video tutorial and standard garage tools; other times, professional help is needed.
When to replace
Numerous toilet problems cannot be repaired. Sometimes, the problems can be so significant and recurring that the only solution is to replace the toilet. If there are cracks in the tank and the bowl, no matter the size, it can eventually cause flooding all over the house. Some blockages can be caused by unreachable lodged objects deep down the drain and cannot be extracted. Additionally, if the water bill increases significantly, an old toilet could be using too much water when flushing; in this case, the toilet replacement pays for itself by saving money on the water bill.
Toilets are steady appliances that generally last for many years, so it's hard to know when they need to be replaced. Homeowners should be familiar with the most common toilet problems so that when they arise in their own homes, they'll know the best course of action to take.
Trust Adaven Plumbing for an effectively and efficiently functioning plumbing system. We provide drain cleaning, water leak detection and repair, toilet repairs, home repiping, faucet repair and replacement, and slab leak detection and repair services in Las Vegas, Henderson, and Enterprise. Give us a call at 702-766-3320.