Learn About the First Danger Signs of a Gas Line Problem

Natural gas is an excellent choice for heating, but it’s also prone to various problems. Left unchecked, they can seriously compromise household safety and skyrocket the bills. The easiest preventive measure is to look for the most common signs of a faulty gas line.

Here’s how homeowners can tell if their gas line needs attention:

A strange smell

Many gas line issues are associated with distinct smells. More specifically, they can release a sulfuric odor that spreads throughout the house. In some cases, it can smell as potent as rotten eggs.

But even if the scent is faint, don’t neglect it. Reach out to a professional gas line company for inspection and repairs.

Dying plants or grass

Dying plants and grass in the backyard usually point to a landscaping issue, such as improper fertilizer. But it could also indicate a gas leak.

Since gas displaces the oxygen that roots need to grow, gas leaks can cause them to die. As a result, calling a landscaping company may not be the best course of action. Instead, hire a gas line technician, and they’ll determine if there are any other signs of a malfunctioning line.

Excessive gas consumption

A dramatic increase in gas bills is often due to excessive use of appliances and cold weather. However, the culprit may also be a gas leak.

One of the simplest ways to check for gas leaks is to turn off the heating and all appliances that run on natural gas. Then, inspect the gas meter. If the device is moving and showing gas consumption, you’re most likely dealing with a leak.

Sick family members

If a family member feels sick when entering a room with gas appliances, contact the emergency services immediately. Gas leaks often cause sudden dizziness and nausea. Sometimes, they can even result in blackouts and poisoning.

A gas leak is also dangerous as it can trigger fires or explosions. To avoid severe injuries and massive damage to the household, hire gas line experts to deal with the issue promptly.

Unidentified noises

If there’s a strange noise in your house, it may be caused by a gas leak. As the lines are under a lot of pressure, they produce a steady hissing when there’s a leak. You can track these sounds to an appliance or a specific line. Additionally, objects can flop around and move near the leak site if the leak is significant.

Malfunctioning appliances

Another scenario associated with gas line problems is poorly working appliances. For instance, the water in the house may be cold, the stove might not ignite, and the dryer won’t release hot air. Don’t try and diagnose the problem independently, as working with gas appliances can be risky. Instead, hire a trusted gas line specialist and keep your family safe.

Call Adaven Plumbing at 702-766-3320 for affordable and lasting sewer cleaning and repair, gas lines, shower valves and trim, pressure regulators, and preventative maintenance solutions.


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