Landscape Water Usage

With the worst of the summer behind us, Las Vegas area residents are beginning to emerge and spend more time outdoors to enjoy the more moderate temperatures. If you happen to be one of them, it's a great time to take the opportunity to look over the outdoor water usage on your property and figure out if some changes should be made.

To assist you, here is an overview of some various aspects of outdoor water choices a homeowner can go for in the fall:

The lawn

Supposing your home has a bermudagrass lawn; it will become dormant as the temperatures cool. Newcomers to Vegas frequently think bermudagrass is either dead or doesn't need to be watered when it's dormant, even though neither is true. However, since it does go dormant, a choice needs to be made if you should oversee the bermudagrass with ryegrass.

Ryegrass will need regular watering to maintain it. A lot of families choose not to have a winter lawn, ultimately saving on their water bill. A bermudagrass lawn will need watering in the summertime, so some homeowners opt for a 'rest' during the winter. Homes that are part of an HOA will need to abide by the HOA regulations regarding lawns.


Xeriscape is a fancy name for low-water-use plantings and landscaping.  Even a low-water-use plant offers transpiration, which shifts cooling moisture and oxygen into the air. This moisture can explain why you feel cooler when you step under a leafy tree than when you step into a building's shade. While they don't offer the same cooling effect as plants that use more water, they're still a valuable commodity for cooling.

We experience a 'heat island effect' here in Vegas due to many buildings, concrete, and asphalt compared to the number of plants and trees. Nevertheless, well-placed shady trees will offer a cooling effect, mainly when put with ground cover plantings or lawn. This combination creates a 'mini-oasis,' when planned properly, will provide respite to the homeowner and their electric bill in the summer.

Fruit trees and gardens

Many people want to have flower or vegetable gardens to beautify their homes and supplement their grocery shopping. September is the best month for planning gardens and flowers because October is a big planting month. Vegas gardeners are turning over their flower beds now to prepare for the following month.

Watch the meter

Periodically, you should monitor your water meter for leaks, chiefly, if you have an irrigation system. If your swimming pool's water level appears to have dropped suddenly, that should also be monitored. By shutting off all of the water-using devices, the homeowner will check for water leaks by watching their water meter for movement after two hours. Any leaks should be discovered and repaired. It's estimated that Americans alone waste more than a trillion gallons per year in unchecked leaks. Some of these leaks are tiny offenders, a broken toilet flapper, or a leaking irrigation line, but they cost us because of their constancy. Here is a useful guide on how to check an irrigation system for leaks.


If you wash your car, don't let the hose run while you soap up the car. A sprayer with on/off features goes further than you'd think.

If your water bill has been higher than you'd like, you might want to forego the winter ryegrass and use drought-tolerant plant material, ground cover, and flowers. You can get a plumber to put in low water use fixtures for your sinks and showers and help you find a leak if you suspect you may have one. Together, we can make a difference in water use to save you water and money, which ultimately adds up significantly.

Trust Adaven Plumbing for an effectively and efficiently functioning plumbing system. We provide drain cleaning, water leak detection and repair, toilet repairs, home repiping, faucet repair and replacement, and slab leak detection and repair services in Las Vegas, Henderson, and Enterprise. Give us a call at 702-766-3320.


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